Threatened Australia Species

As many of you will know I am working with the Save the Bilby Fund this year. Frank Manthey is an inspiration. Because of Franks dedication we now have National Threatened Species Week from the 7 – 13th of September. The Bilby is the ONLY native species with is own National Day on the 2nd Sunday of September each year. The day we are hoping to get a lot of Zoos and Wildlife Parks offering to host a Zoo Run and help raise awareness and funds for these animals.
So I started to think. Well which animals are in danger – so thought to list the top ten over the next coming weeks.


Please feel free to share. Lets start to make some noise as they don’t have voices to do so.

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We are heading back to Sea World for our first ZOO RUN

Zoo Run Sea World 2016 Pink opt 2-page-001

Join us for our First ZOO RUN for 2016.

Sunday the 14th of August 2016.

We have been invited back again to Sea World on the Gold Coast.   We are raising money for Sea World Research & Rescue Foundation once again!

100% of the profits will be given to help marine conservation!

5km Run and 2km fun run/walk and ALL the participants get FREE entry into Sea World once again on the day!

PLUS the beautiful Annette Sym from Symply Too Good To Be True is our major sponsor and is giving one FREE cook book to families and singles on the day of the ZOO RUN.  She is even there to sign them!

Hurry check out and book your tickets today!

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Number 2 Red tailed Black Cockatoo.

There is nothing more beautiful than hearing the screech of a cockatoo.  It is a unique sound that sadly many Australians have never heard.  The Red-tailed black cockatoo is listed as endangered.  How sad if we loose this amazing bird.

Calyptorhynchus_banksii_red-tailed-black-cockatoo photo by Australian Geographic Photo credit Richard FisherWikimedia

Photo credit: Richard Fisher/Wikimedia

The red band is seen across the birds tail.  This bird is found in very small areas of land that straddles the southern border of Victoria and South Australia.

Sadly the population estimates are very vague and since 1989 it is thought that only 500 -1000 birds are surviving in their small habitat.  The Red-tailed cockatoo has a specific diet of seeds from desert and brown string bark gums.   It is because the trees are only found in certain areas and are very localised that we are losing these magnificent birds.  Once again we are a large part of the loss of the red-tailed cockatoos.  Due to land clearing for expanding agriculture the birds food sources and nesting areas are being cleared.  This makes the birds without food to survive and no nest sites in the trees for reproduction.

How can we help save the Red Tailed Cockatoo?


Photo credit Bob McPherson.

Please go to Red Tailed Black Cockatoo web page and see how you can report a sighting or make a donation to help plant trees for the Red-tails survival.


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Number 1 of the top ten is sadly the Tasmanian Devil.





Photo by Bonorong-Devil-Barrie-Irons1  Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary



They were once found in high numbers on the main land 400 years ago, but now only found in Tasmania.  The Tasmanian Devil is suffering mostly from the Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD).  Tassie Devils have lost over 60% of their population since the mid 1990’s!

As they are now only found on the island of Tasmania the population is very connected.  Making the genetic make-up of all the individuals very similar.  So this makes  it very easy for DFTD to infect other animals. Simple altercations like a bite or scratch can spread the disease from one specimen to another making their genetic similarity a threat to the population’s survival.

Being hit by cars and killed by humans for being a pest are also dangers to the population. Studies to make a vaccine for DFTD are now underway in an effort to help the declining numbers. To learn more about efforts to Save the Tasmanian Devil Program or about the amazing program at Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary head to their web page

IMG_0052I have been very lucky to meet a few Tasmanian Devils at different Zoos in Queensland. I love the way they smell when they are young!  Just like popcorn is the best way I can describe it!  I will share with you  My best encounter so far was at Wildlife HQ at Woombye Sunshine Coast.  These girls have been hand raised and up for a cuddle or pat.  They are also excellent ambassadors telling the plight of the Tassie Devil to visitors to the Zoo.

There incredible experience allows visitors to get up close and friendly with Wildlife HQ’s Tassie devils and learn what we can do it help save them.
Tegan with Tassie Devil

Photos at Wildlife HQ taken by Courier Mail Photographer and Wildlife HQ staff.


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New and Old Friends at my ZOO RUN’s

There are a couple of awesome things about putting on my events.

  1. I get to help the animals
  2. I get to meet the BEST people
  3. I make the most AMAZING friends!

I am happy to report that my good friend Janet Jackson is coming up from Albury NSW to compete in the ZOO RUN @ Sea World!  How amazing is that!  She is coming to visit me twice in one year!

Janet is the amazing author of the Bribie Tales series of children books.  She also wrote a book after following my Beach Clean Ups call Plastic Soup.  She was super nice and dedicated the book to Wildlife Emergency.  (How cool is that!)


This book is dedicated to the work

and vision of

Wildlife Emergency

(Bribie Island)

Fundraising for Wildlife Conservation.

She is also being super nice and donating the profits from the sale of Plastic Soup towards our work.  Here is a bit about the book.


These stories are guaranteed to make you want to visit the mysterious ISLAND of Bribie.IMG_2916 The Bribie Tales stories include the characters of Rocky the Rocket Frog, Scarlet the Greentree Frog, Tila the Turtle, Petulia the Peculiar Pelican and LIly the Frill Neck Lizard. The Combo Crusaders are a group of young people with the care of the environment on their heart. Matilda, Rocco, Rosie-May, DJ and Caris work hand in hand with the Bribie Tales characters to save the environment.


Hi there,yes LOVED IT SO MUCH I CRIED WITH JOY as I read it out loud. We were so very happy and now little Deklin-John has seen it he goes straight to the page with his Poppy and him at the beach and  he kissed that page. Yes my dear lady WE LOVE IT XXXXXX LEI LEI & STEVE

“Having been so pleased with our purchase of a set of your Bribie Island Tales, my wife and I would now like to purchase a further two sets (for two more lots of grandchildren).” WJH

So if you want to buy a book or learn more please go to or

Cant wait to catch up with you again Janet 🙂  The ZOO RUN @ Sea World is going to be AWESOME!



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Another ZOO RUN done raising $6700 for Native Breeding programs

I have returned to sunny Queensland.  Don’t get me wrong South Australia, you are beautiful and your amazing wildlife parks and adventures are amazing but boy I don’t like the cold!

I had a fantastic time at the ZOO RUN @ Monarto and a brave 193 runners braved the mud, cold and rain to help us raise $6700+ for the Monarto Zoo Native Breeding Programs.  (We are still waiting for the final total and photos from Monarto and ZOOS SA.)

This is why I and my family put on these events.  I really want to be able to show my kids and grand kids the beautiful Australian Wildlife that we all take for granted.

I also love it when all day people tell me they had a great run and would do it all again in a heart beat!  Awesome news.  I also came home to this lovely email.  Thank you Ms Henry.

Hi Tegan,

   I just want to let you know what an amazing job you did today. I cannot believe you are not even 16 yet and you have organised all this and raised so much money for conservation! You should be so proud of yourself! I told a friend about the run today and about what you have achieved and they summed you up perfectly with this sentence “some people are just great at life”.

The animals are so lucky to have someone like you, and if you are doing all this now at such a young age I can only begin to imagine what amazing things you are going to achieve later on in life and what a difference you will make in the world of conservation, and you are so lucky to have the support of your amazing parents, your mum was so bubbly and friendly!

I was so excited to have a zoo run come to Adelaide and I really hope you come back next year (hopefully its a bit warmer though next year).

Keep it up!

Nora Henry


I actually celebrated my 16th birthday in South Australia.  I had a awesome birthday week with amazing animal encounters like Raptor Domain and Seal Bay at Kangaroo IslandSeaLink also gave us a fantastic ride over in the ferry.  When I heard the captain say “Good Morning Thrill Seekers” I knew I would love the trip over and wasn’t disappointed .

I LOVED going to discover all that Cleland Wildlife Park had to offer.  The staff were fantastic and treated us like VIP’s the whole time we were there.  Shelly not only booked in our Wildlife Presentation and private night walk tour, but made sure we were looked after by their fantastic staff.  Nothing was too much trouble.  I LOVED hand feeding the kangaroos, emus, wallabies, potoroos and waterfowl.  The potoroos are my favourite!  So cute!


I also fell in love with Olive the python, the blue tongues (who knew there were so many different blue tongues!) the birds ohhh to much to tell you just go and see the wonderful Cleland Wildlife Park just 30 minutes from Adelaide.

You also have to go to Adelaide Zoo to check out the only sloth in Australia.  I stood by her enclosure in the nocturnal house for 20 minutes before she moved!   These amazing parrots.  Lions, Tree Kangaroos, Red Pandas, Squirrel Monkeys,  Giant Pandas….again so much and the encounters are very reasonably priced so you can get up close to the animals.

I had a great holiday with my family and we raised a lot of money to help our Native Wildlife so it was a win win!

Thanks South Australia for letting me put on a ZOO RUN @ Monarto and discovering how cold cold really is!

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Please buy the Entertainment Book through us this year to make big SAVINGS

enterainment book 2

entertainment book

With the school holidays approaching, now is the perfect time to buy an Entertainment™ Book or Entertainment™ Digital Membership. All you need to do is choose which Membership suits you? >>

20% of the proceeds from every Entertainment™ Membership we sell will contribute towards our fundraising!

Still only $65 the NEW 2015 | 2016 Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and surrounds Entertainment™ Membership is packed with over $20,000 worth of valuable offers you can use right away, valid up until 1 June 2016!  See what’s inside >>

Wildlife Emergency

PO Box 1277 Bongaree 4507


Thank you for your support!

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Drum Roll Please!

bandicoot and teganI am really excited to share with you all the amount that was raised from yesterday’s Zoo Run @ Bribie and the Bribie Gone Wild Wildlife Festival with Queensland Zoo…..The total profit after expenses was $5050!!!

So excited as this means I did reach the target of $4500 and have now officially raised over $100K for wildlife conservation before I finish high school at St. Columban’s College, Caboolture.

Thank you EVERYONE that has helped by coming to my events, purchasing items, volunteering, sponsoring me or my events and just begin there to support me. I couldn’t have done this without you.

Of course, my parents have been great! They never said to me “No, you cant do that” but always – “Wow great idea, lets work out how to make that happen!”

I will admit it does feel very cool to reach my goal after 4 years of hard work.

Kristina and Tegan with snakeI have helped a lot of different charities Australia Zoo Wildlife Warriors Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital Twinnies Pelican and Seabird Rescue Queensland Koala Crusaders Currumbin Wildlife Hospital Foundation Proyecto Titi Free the Bears Fund and along the way I have had many different lessons. I have learnt a lot about people, organisations and about our awesome wildlife.

Thank you everyone.


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Glossy Black Cockatoo – where are you?

Moreton Bay Map Glossy Black Cockatoo Sightings - Bribie Island

According to the Glossy Black Conservancy’s online sighting tool, there hasn’t been any sightings of the Glossy Black Cockatoo on Bribie Island.

We’re out to prove them wrong! We’re in search of Glossy Blacks, their favourite feed trees and even their chewed-up spat-on food droppings (actually called “orts” which are the little she-oak cones that they have chewed up and got the tiny little seeds out).

Lets hope we find some Glossy Blacks (not yellow tailed black cockatoos) on Bribie!








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Entertainment Book

We’re checking out the Entertainment Book to help us fundraise for our dream of a Wildlife Education Centre on Bribie Island.

This makes a great Mother’s Day present – my mum would love one!

Entertainment Book Mothers Day

Our family has one and we could easily make back the $65 price in the first week alone!

If you are interested in buying an Entertainment Book (or the more convenient online version) let Kathy know on 0407 033 315 or let her know on facebook!


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